The Walking Dead S:07 E:08


Episode Title: Hearts Still Beating
Original Airdate: 12-11-16

Since we checked in with everyone this week, and it was a 90-minute mid-season finale, there is a lot to cover. First, over at the Kingdom (or just outside at Carol’s new place), Richard pleads with Carol and Morgan to convince Ezekiel to attack the Saviors before their deal turns sour and the Kingdom falls. Both refuse to help and Carol demands to be left alone, which would totally be me in the zombie apocalypse. Actually, that’s pretty much me now.

Continue reading The Walking Dead S:07 E:08

The Walking Dead S:07 E:07


Episode Title: Sing Me a Song
Original Airdate: 12-4-16

Was anyone else ready for some Negan and Carl bonding? I surely wasn’t. In this week’s 90-minute episode, Rick and Aaron may have found a compound full of supplies, but must cross a lake full of bobbing Walkers to get to it. Eugene made Rosita a bullet, after she belittled the hell out of him. Spencer was a spoiled d-bag, per the norm, who also found a small stockpile of goods. And Michonne set up a Walker road block to sabotage one of the Saviors, so she could hitch a ride back to the Sanctuary.

Continue reading The Walking Dead S:07 E:07

The Walking Dead S:07 E:06


Episode Title: Swear
Original Airdate: 11-27-16

Time to catch up with Tara and Heath. After Rick & Co. thought they took out all the Saviors at the satellite compound, the dynamic duo set out on a two-week scavenging mission, so they know nothing of the tragedies we’ve witnessed over the last nine episodes. In this episode we find them at the end of their tour with very little to show for it. Tara convinces Heath to push a little further out than planned, but they come to a blocked bridge covered in sand. And of course the sand pile is full of Walkers. The two are not prepared for the fight and become separated when Tara goes over the bridge into the water below.

Continue reading The Walking Dead S:07 E:06

The Walking Dead S:07 E:05


Episode Title: Go Getters
Original Airdate: 11-20-16

We’re back at Hilltop this week, catching up with Sasha, Maggie and Jesus. Maggie is still pregnant, but with a slight complication (*insert medical jargon*), for which the Hilltop doctor would like to keep her close in case of further issues. Gregory, the Hilltop’s “leader,” is completely against Maggie and Sasha staying, since they failed to take down Negan like they promised and Gregory doesn’t want the Saviors thinking he had anything to do with the attack. After getting Gregory to agree to let the ladies stay the night, Jesus promises them he will change Gregory’s mind.

Continue reading The Walking Dead S:07 E:05

The Walking Dead S:07 E:04


Episode Title: Service
Original Airdate: 11-13-16

Not a lot of plot to cover with this week’s episode. Negan makes his first stop at Alexandria to take whatever he desires…and is the most obnoxious house guest ever. Aside from mattresses and other random comforts, Negan demands all the fire power Alexandria has to offer. When two guns come up missing from the armory, Negan threatens to kill Olivia, as inventory is her responsibility. Rick finds the guns hidden in Spencer’s air vents, along with food and liquor, because Spencer is a spoiled brat.

Continue reading The Walking Dead S:07 E:04

The Walking Dead S:07 E:03


Episode Title: The Cell
Original Airdate: 11-6-16

This week we visited The Sanctuary, main hub of Negan and the Saviors, as we watched Dwight torture Daryl with possibly the most annoying song ever recorded and dog food sandwiches. Daryl is left in a tiny cell under the aforementioned conditions, as Dwight tries to break him, because Negan really wants Daryl to join his ranks. By the end Daryl, still refuses.

Continue reading The Walking Dead S:07 E:03

The Walking Dead S:07 E:02


Episode Title: The Well
Original Airdate: 10-30-16

This week we caught up with Carol and Morgan. Carol ditched Alexandria at the end of last season, came across some Saviors, killing all but one, and was followed by a concerned Morgan, with whom she has never seen eye-to-eye. Eventually, Carol was shot by the Savior she failed to kill, and was saved by Morgan when he broke his own “no killing” oath. They were then rescued by knights in armor…literally. The knights took them to a a settlement known as (what else) The Kingdom, led by the eccentric King Ezekiel, who happens to sport a pet tiger, Shiva.

Continue reading The Walking Dead S:07 E:02

The Walking Dead S:07 E:01


Episode Title: The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be
Original Airdate: 10-23-16

Last night was rough, y’all. I went into the Season 7 premiere with a ho-hum attitude, and an hour later felt as though someone had ripped my soul in half. A bit dramatic? Sure, but this episode did not let up, and by the end I was physically and emotionally drained.

Continue reading The Walking Dead S:07 E:01

Fear the Walking Dead Season:02


I guess I forgot all about this Season 2 wrap-up as I’ve been planning for Halloween and had family visiting. But it’s also kind of a testament to the show itself how low it ranks on my to do list. Looking back over my previous posts for each episode I realize just how little impact this show has on me.

Continue reading Fear the Walking Dead Season:02

Fear the Walking Dead S:02 E:14&15


Episode Titles: Wrath (14) and North (15)
Original Airdate: 10-2-16

Season 2 ended with back-to-back episodes, and they did not disappoint. At the Colonia, Nick sneaks off to meet the Narcos, knowing they’ve discovered the compound’s location. He tries to reason with them, but they give him until the next morning to clear out the Colonia before they show up and kill anyone who’s left. While trying to convince Alejandro of the danger coming, Nick is attacked by a newly Infected patient of the infirmary. Alejandro is bitten in the process, and he must finally confess that he is not immune to an Infected’s bite. An angry Luciana takes charge and decides the Colonia’s faith has protected them this long and will continue to do so.

Continue reading Fear the Walking Dead S:02 E:14&15