Here at Channel: Superhero we do our best to cover as many superhero shows out there as possible, but there are still more than we can keep up with when you start to look at all the cartoons and cable shows on top of the more than plenty prime time shows. We’re always happy to expand our roster here so we can get the lowdown on shows like Lab Rats, the animated Guardians of the Galaxy, and plenty more. And besides that, we are still a very young site and have plenty of room to grow. So, if you’re interested in joining the Channel: Superhero team, first off, take a look below to see what we would still like to cover. And keep in mind, nobody’s getting paid for this so make sure it’s something that you enjoy.

Current Show Reviews

This year, there is a lot more superhero content out there and we could use a little bit of help. It would be great if someone was interested in taking the load off of me [Bubbawheat] by covering one of my shows: Gotham, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, The Flash, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Heroes Reborn. Also, there is still a wide variety of superhero shows out there intended for a younger audience. If you’re interested in covering a show like: Lab Rats, The Thundermans, Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, etc, just submit a sample review to me at as well as some information about the show like when it airs & how far into the season it is, etc.


Similar to our current webseries content: We Might Be Superheroes, and Bad Days, we would like to seek out and share other finished and currently airing quality webseries. But we don’t want to just embed a YouTube video each week, there has to be something extra with it, whether it’s behind the scenes photos, interview style questions, or something else we haven’t though of yet. If you’re a fan of a specific webseries, or if you are the creator of a webseries, send me a link to the show and your ideas for bonus content to include with it.


If you would like to bring something new to Channel: Superhero, whether it’s a list, or if you like rounding up the latest TV news from around the web, or if you have a completely different idea I would be happy to hear it. Just know that I am not a fan of the current state of traffic-mongering websites. Channel: Superhero’s goal is to deliver quality content and not click-bait. News has to come from official or reliable sources, and lists have to be well thought out and/or entertaining.

If any of these sound like something you would be interested in, again just e-mail me at and I will get back to you.

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