Channel Superhero is a project that sprang up after a few years of the superhero movie site, Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights where Bubbawheat has been watching and reviewing every superhero and comic book movie that he can get a hold of. Recently, there has been an explosion of superhero television shows in prime time and while Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights was a place for thoughts on superhero movies, Channel: Superhero is a place for thoughts on superhero television shows. But there is too much television for one person to cover by himself so Channel: Superhero has a team of writers dedicated to superhero and comic book shows and are here to share their thoughts.


Bubbawheat is the founder of this site as well as Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights where it sprang from. His real name is Nathan Withrow but has been writing online under the name Bubbawheat ever since his family got AOL 3.1 way back when. He’s been watching superhero shows and movies since he was a kid, from the X-Men and Batman animated series of the 90’s as well as the live action prime time shows like Lois and Clark and the Flash. He even watched some of the fringe shows like M.A.N.T.I.S. and Viper and continued on into watching Smallville and Heroes and since he’s started his movie site he has watched over 200 superhero and comic book movies and is ecstatic over all the great superhero content that we get to see in the coming years.

Bruce Leslie

I am the host of Heroes and Villains podcast as well as co-host of Hero Movie Podcast (which is exactly what the name would suggest). My earliest memories involve eating Cheerios in front of the television on Saturday mornings while mesmerized by the Superfriends. I soon became enamored with Bill Bixby’s Incredible Hulk, and demanded that my mother make me my own tattered Hulk pants. I can remember staying up late and watching Linda Carter spin around with her magic lasso transforming from Diana Prince to Wonder Woman before my eyes. It is fair to say I was in love, not with Linda Carter but with Super Heroes on the screen, be it large or small. I have carried this obsession into adulthood (perhaps middle age?) and fancy myself as an “amateur superhero historian” with my very niche podcasts. When Bubba invited me to write for Channel: Superhero I jumped at the chance, remembering always that “Heroes are Super!”


The individual typing words under the pseudonym of THE IPC sometimes goes by “Eric” and works a seriously, seriously mundane job in which he manages, of all things, telephone numbers for a living. When the telephone number business isn’t crackling with electric excitement, building to a Euclidian climax, he might just turn on some movies or TV (from his childhood) and give them a watch while he produces mundane reports in Microsoft Excel. His first home is but he requests that you acknowledge the following Terms and Conditions before heading there: It’s usually NSFW –> Agree | Disagree. He also frequently provides some input at The Sporadic Chronicles of a Beginner Blogger, less frequently at Life of This City Girl and even less frequently at Silver Screen Serenade. His submissions have also been rejected at Hard Ticket to Home Video, where they attack with ravenous attorneys. That last part may or may not be true but, seriously, that site is great.

Jeffrey Lyles

Jeffrey Lyles here! On CS, I’ll be recapping “Arrow,” my current favorite of the comic book based TV shows and not just because Stephen Amell is the coolest celebrity on Facebook. I started recapping “Arrow” on the tail end of last season and enjoyed doing it so much I’ve kept going. In addition to the “Arrow” recaps, I write weekly movie reviews, TV recaps, video game/action figure/comic book news on my own site Lyles Movie Files. And occasionally, I’ll get into sports talking about the San Francisco 49ers and L.A. Lakers. Either way, I’m writing fresh content daily so you’re bound to stumble on something that should capture your interest.

Rachel Thuro

Rachel started her own movie (and oft television) blog in 2007 (Rachel’s Reel Reviews) that lived for five years before combining with another film blogger (Jess, formerly of Insight to Entertainment) to create Reel Insight, named after the ladies’ joint podcast. Sadly, due to real life circumstances, Rachel and Jess could no longer keep up a site with daily posts. However, their podcast proudly lives on with new monthly episodes on the 1st. Since Rachel sometimes missed writing her thoughts down for all to see, she jumped at the chance to join Channel: Superhero to discuss her favorite current t.v. show, The Walking Dead. With television seriously stepping up its game over the past decade and the ability to binge-watch many excellent shows on Netflix, Rachel now has a recently renewed love for television that rivals her fierce love of film.

Todd Liebenow

Todd is a huge movie geek. His interest in films first exploded with the VHS boom of the 80’s. Ever since then, he spends as much of his free-time as he can watching movies. But life is busy and movie theaters are expensive, and he rarely gets to the theater anymore. So, it’s a good thing he loves spending time with older movies, especially those that have fallen off the radar. He writes the blog Forgotten Films and hosts the Forgotten Filmcast podcast which are all about the movies that time forgot. He is also the co-host of the Walt Sent Me podcast, which is all about the wide world of Disney movies. But Todd sees himself as a student of all pop culture, so the TV, music, and toys of the past are all favorite subjects for this manchild, as well.

Elwood Jones

While Elwood can usually be founding delving into the depths of cult, foreign and obscure cinema on his blog “From The Depths Of DVD Hell” or hosting his podcast “The Mad, Bad and Downright Strange: Showcase” as he attempts to provide an introduction to the cult and obscure cinema. Outside of his blogging / podcasting activities, he can usually be found hunting down ever more obscure titles to add to ever expanding movie collection which continually threatens to take over his house.

James Lindorf

My name is James Lindorf I am 31 one years old and I currently live in Indianapolis Indiana with my fiance. I have always loved superheros from comics to novels and screens big and small. I remember watching episodes of the old Flash and Spider-man shows with my mom when I was a kid. It was my first experience with live action super hero shows. Since then Ive watched all the major ones including Lois and Clark, Smallville, Heroes, and Agents of Shield. My favorite as a kid were the animated Spider-man an X-men shows, my current favorite is Agents of Shield.

Stefan Gagne

Stefan Gagne is an author of serialized web fiction at, across multiple genres including scifi, fantasy, comedy, romance, and politically-charged Cthulhu mythos thriller. With a keen interest in deconstruction of superhero tropes, he reviews shows to pick them apart and see what makes them tick.

Damian Thomas

Oh hello there! I’m Damian from Damian Thomas films etc, but The IPC has decided to call me Scoot for reasons I couldn’t even begin to fathom. You can call me anything really apart from The Omen or Devil Child as that kind of gets old after a while. I usually review the most obscure fims/shows I can find and sometimes horrendously disturbing horror films, but around these parts I’m currently reviewing The Six Million Dollar Man with my Robin like sidekick, The IPC. I come from England so I get to watch your wonderful American superhero shows months later after it’s been spoilt to death on twitter, but I do prefer the oldies such as Wonder Woman, The Incredible Hulk, Automan and of course, Bibleman! If I could choose a superhero power It’d probably be invisibility… for the obvious reasons.

Shah Shahid

Shah is a former filmmaking student turned Freelance Writer of all things that allow him to rant on in a passionate stupor. Hosting his own website, Blank Page Beatdown allows him to feed his addiction of movies & TV by featuring reviews, news, previews and other discussions of the engaging kind. Being an avid TV & Comic Book connoisseur at times also causes him to run rampant with wild theories about the latest superhero shows or movies. Follow him on Twitter @theshahshahid to rant about movies and TV or just to compliment his Fedora. He likes that.

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