Batman S:02 E:52

Episode Title: Batman’s Satisfaction
Original Airdate: March 2, 1967

When we last left Gotham City, Batman and Robin had ended up stuck to a giant adhesive pad while the Green Hornet and Kato end up turned into huge stamps. Can they save themeselves and stop Colonel Gumm’s plot? Let’s find out in Batman’s Satisfaction. Continue reading Batman S:02 E:52

Batman S:02 E:51

Episode Title: A Piece of the Action
Original Airdate: March 1, 1967

On today’s episode of Batman we journey into the realm of the crossover episode. That’s where characters from another popular program show up for a little fun. It’s like Gary Coleman showing up as Arnold Jackson on The Facts of Life, or Laverne and Shirley dropping by to visit the Fonze on Happy Days. Well, in this case, we get the main characters from William Dozier’s other late 60’s superhero series, The Green Hornet. That means guest appearances by Van Williams as well as perhaps the most famous (globally speaking) guest star to ever appear on the show, Bruce Lee. Get ready for A Piece of the Action. Continue reading Batman S:02 E:51

Batman S:02 E:50

Episode Title: Batman Displays his Knowledge
Original Airdate: February 23, 1967

When we last left Gotham City, Batman and Robin were tied up in a giant coffee cup about to be scalded by sulfuric acid contained in an equally giant coffee pot. All the while, Catwoman and her goons are off to steal some precious jewels. Let’s see how the Dynamic Duo get out of this one in Batman Displays his Knowledge. Continue reading Batman S:02 E:50

Batman S:02 E:49

Episode Title: Catwoman Goes to College
Original Airdate: February 22, 1967

Well, you know what they say, all good things must come to an end. No, not this series! We still have a third season on the horizon. However, our next story does represent an important moment in the history of this series…the last appearance of one its stars. Julie Newmar has played the role of Catwoman since the character debuted in season one. She was unable to make an appearance in the feature film that was released between seasons one and two (Lee Meriwether took over for that one) but otherwise it’s been all Newmar. Though Catwoman will be back in season three, Newmar won’t. So, let’s begin her Batman swan song with today’s episode, Catwoman goes to College. Continue reading Batman S:02 E:49

Batman S:02 E:48

Episode Title: The Joker’s Epitaph
Original Airdate: February 16, 1967

When we last left Gotham, Robin was about to be pressed into a comic book…and none other than Bruce Wayne has his hand on the lever. It seems like Joker and his robot henchmen are about to be victorious. Let’s see what happens in part two of this story, The Joker’s Epitaph. Continue reading Batman S:02 E:48

Batman S:02 E:47

Episode Title: The Joker’s Last Laugh
Original Airdate: February 15, 1967

Sometimes I think the citizens of Gotham are pretty stupid. I mean, they do have a couple of masked heroes to save them from all the villains, but somehow the powers that be allow those villains to continue escaping after being caught for the umpteenth time. This time we see their stupidity even further when people all over the city fall for counterfeit money so poorly made that the Parker Brothers wouldn’t put it in a Monopoly set. It’s all another trick of the Joker’s in today’s episode, The Joker’s Last Laugh. Continue reading Batman S:02 E:47

Batman S:02 E:45

Episode Title: Batman’s Anniversary
Original Airdate: February 8, 1967

I’ve said many times that the highlight of Batman season one was Frank Gorshin’s performance as The Riddler. He took this, at the time, relatively minor Batman comics villain and turned him into one of the top mischief makers in the Gotham rogues gallery. Have you noticed that 44 episodes into season two we have yet to see the Prince of Puzzlers? Well, Gorshin was unavailable to continue the role during season two. We’ve already seen where the producers reworked Riddler into a new villain. Remember the Puzzler? Well, eventually the producers decided to bring the character back, but they would have to use another actor. Enter John Astin of Addams Family fame in today’s episode, Batman’s Anniversary. Continue reading Batman S:02 E:45

Batman S:02 E:44

Episode Title: The Penguin’s Disastrous End
Original Airdate: February 2, 1967

Well, it’s time to wrap up this big three-part Batman story. When we last left Gotham, Batman and Robin, clad in suits of armor, had been knocked out by Penguin and loaded into a scrap metal truck. Now they are in the process of being compacted. Let’s see how they get out of this one in The Penguin’s Disastrous End. Continue reading Batman S:02 E:44

Batman S:02 E:43

Episode Title: Penguin Sets a Trend
Original Airdate: February 1, 1967

When we last left Gotham City, Batman and Robin had been tied up by the Penguin and placed on a giant catapult. The rope is slowing burning through. Soon the Caped Crusaders will sail across the sky and splat somewhere in downtown Gotham. Let’s see what happens next in Penguin Sets a Trend. Continue reading Batman S:02 E:43