Blogathon: Saturday Morning Memories Announcement

It has been a lot of fun running this site for the past few months, but one thing I would like to see more of is some interaction, and what better way to do that than by having a blogathon that everyone can join in on. And here at Channel: Superhero some of the earliest superhero TV shows that any of us have watched are the Saturday Morning Cartoons of our youths. So for this blogathon, I’d like us to go back and revisit some of those memories of the cartoons we grew up with. Not only that, but most of us now have kids and the landscape of superhero cartoons have greatly changed over the years. It makes me wonder what they would think about the shows that we watched in our youths.


This blogathon will run every Saturday in June, specifically June 6th, 13th, 20th, & 27th. We will have at least one post from someone at Channel: Superhero sharing our memories of a favorite show, and we will also include links to all the other participants so you can check them all out.


Find a show that you were fond of as a child, watch a few episodes, and share your thoughts on it now. How did you remember it as a kid, how does it hold up as an adult? There are several series available on Netflix, Hulu, DVD, and you can also find some on YouTube. A show can be covered by multiple people, but I encourage you to spread the love to as many shows as possible, it doesn’t even have to be a cartoon as long as you watched it as a kid. If you care to share the shows with your own child, I have a series of questions that you can ask them if you can convince them to participate:

What was your favorite part of the show?

What was your least favorite part of the show?

Who was your favorite character?

How old do you think this show is?

How does it compare to the shows you watch now?

Would you want to watch more of the show, or were you glad to be done with it?

What else would you like to say about the show?


Anyone can participate, just use one of our images to link back to our site. If you don’t have a blog and would still like to join in, we will gladly host your thoughts here at Channel: Superhero, just send an e-mail to and we’ll share it right along with the other posts.


First off, sign up in the comments below with the show you would like to revisit, and which Saturday you will have your post up. Then use one of the images below to help spread the word to make this as large of a blogathon as possible. I look forward to seeing the results, and hopefully the shows will turn out as good as we remember, and not badly.

Saturday Morning Blogathon


June 6th:

Bubbawheat – Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron

June 13th:

Elwood Jones – Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors

June 20th:

Lackey – Dungeons & DragonsThe Nightmare Gallery
Todd Leibenow – Plastic Man
Wendell – Turbo TeenDell on Movies
Vern – Ranma 1/2The Vern’s Video Vortex

June 27th:

Jason – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (80’s) – Your Face!
Jeffrey Lyles – Inhumanoids

14 thoughts on “Blogathon: Saturday Morning Memories Announcement

  1. I’d love to talk about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon! I just got the first 3 or 4 seasons on DVD. To give me some time, let me get the last Saturday. Thanks for doing this! Can’t wait!
    -Jason Soto from Your Face! (It won’t let me log in for some reason.)


  2. I’d like to get in on this. Not sure what show(s) I want to do, but I want to get my youngest daughter involved. Let me find if she’ll go for it. Wish me luck.


  3. Darn you beat me to Swat Katz (greatest cartoon series ever). I would love to do a post on “Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors” though


    1. I didn’t think anyone else would have picked that one, haven’t watched it in ages. I think I remember seeing commercials for Jayce, but I don’t think I ever actually watched that one. Looking forward to it!


  4. Hey Buddy I want to cover a few animes that I remember watching as a kid. BubbleGum Crises and Ranma 1/2. I can cover Ranma on June 13 and Bubblegum on June 27


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